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Connect to Compete:
Your On-Demand Digital Marketplace 


There's a digital evolution taking place. Fabric buyers want shorter development cycles and more speed to market, all without sacrificing consumer demand for quality, performance, and durability.

To help you stay ahead in an increasing competitive world, we created the LYCRA ONE™ Marketplace, a game-changing online network designed to connect you to a global market of qualified buyers sourcing their LYCRA® brand fabric project needs.

Create a Customized Virtual Showroom

Join the Marketplace and start showcasing your differentiated LYCRA® brand fabric collections in a few easy steps.

Through your private dashboard you can merchandise products, tell your mill's story, keep track of leads, and access our experts in product technology and marketing to convert leads to sales faster than ever before.

How the Marketplace Works for Me

"Since joining the LYCRA ONE Marketplace we're seeing an increase in new sales activity, especially from markets outside our region. We'd never experience this type of reach on our own."

- Ana, Mill R&D Director

Register Now

Tap Into the Power of the LYCRA ONE Marketplace

  • 89%
    LYCRA® brand awareness
  • +250K
    annual Marketplace page views
  • +42K
    active Marketplace visitors (and growing!)
  • +2K
    certified LYCRA® brand fabrics ready to buy on the Marketplace
  • Partner with a brand consumers recognize.

  • Reach qualified global customers online.

  • Click with buyers ready to sample and source.

  • Promote your fabric collections worldwide with a custom fabric showroom.

Ready to Create? Login to Your LYCRA ONE Marketplace Account to Begin.

Not a Member? Start Now to Unlock All the Premium Benefits.

Build a Marketing Machine That Never Sleeps

More of your buyers are looking to source online to improve product development efficiencies, create less fabric waste, and decrease project timelines. With a digital showroom, you can respond to their needs, and your leads, in real time, every time.

Top 10 Ways to Make Your Showroom Stand Out

Follow these 10 steps to get more visitors to your company's About Us Mill Showroom page. Level up your copy with specific keywords and stand out by adding specific details to your page to help you attract new leads. 

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